Elijah Key

"Gadsden, How good do you want to be?"
Elijah Key has announced his candidacy for the 2020 election for Superintendent of Schools. He is an experienced proven educational leader that has shown his ability to turn around failing schools and move high performing schools even higher.
Key was born and raised in Gadsden County and received his Bachelors of Science in Social Science Education at Florida State University and his Masters of Education in Educational Leadership from Walden University.
“We are committed to Gadsden County. My wife Twanda Bell-Key is a teacher at Stewart Street. Our five children have been impacted by the Gadsden County School System and continues to excel. I believe it is long overdue that we take ownership in building the best education system for our children and county,” said Key.
He has effectively served in leadership positions in all levels and settings of the K-20 system in Gadsden, Jefferson and FAMU as a teacher, assistant principal, principal and Assistant to the Dean of the College of Education.
Under his leadership as principal, Jefferson and Chattahoochee Elementary Schools both moved from an F school grade in his first year. Furthermore, both schools experienced a decrease in the percentage of students at risk to drop out by reducing the number of students at level 1 in reading and math. In addition, the very high percentage of retained students at both schools were drastically reduced because of intervention plans that were put in place.
As Principal at Chattahoochee Elementary, he saw the school move from among the worst performing school in the county. At Jefferson, he helped moved the school from the worst performing elementary school in the Big Bend. In addition, he saw Gadsden Elementary Magnet School rise from among the top 100 performing schools to among the top 30 in the State of Florida.
Key believes Gadsden County can be the model district. A place where the community as a whole is working together to ensure students are college or career ready.
Key’s goals are to make students the number one priority, support all employees, raise salaries for all employees, provide students with one to one devices, build and renovate schools to 21st century and beyond standards, expand GTI, work with other county agencies to build internet infrastructure to end the digital divide and hire individuals that genuinely care about the students of Gadsden County.
Creating better schools will revitalize our communities economically and emotionally, reduce crime rates and produce healthier people. He also understands that it is going to take a collective effort and careful thinking to address COVID -19 and reopening schools. Therefore, he will continue to give input to local schools and the current superintendent to address smaller class size recommendation, transportation, staffing, keeping schools sanitized and other issues this virus has created.
Feel free to contact Key at elijahkeyjr@gmail or 850-296-2543. You may also follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or at https://elijahkeyjr.wixsite.com/elijahkey. Gadsden, let us move forward with a Proven Educational Leader.