Elijah Key

“I’m running for Superintendent because I believe in the students and people of Gadsden and know without a doubt we can do much better than what the data reveals. I can offer the support and leadership to Gadsden County Schools in becoming a model school system in the state of Florida and beyond. This can be accomplished through bringing instructional leadership to our schools; engaging in real dialogue with the schools, communities, parents and students whom Gadsden County Schools serves; presenting, communicating and maintaining a clear vision for our schools; and by increasing salaries that are better than our neighboring counties to maintain and recruit the best employees as well as, treat all employees with the respect they deserve,” said Key.
Among all factors contributing to increased student achievement, teachers outweigh them all. Knowing the impact that effective teachers have on students’ learning and improved schools, I am committed to increasing teachers’ salaries at or above our neighboring counties to recruit and retain the best for our students. In addition, we must also be creative in improving salaries for all employees to recruit and maintain the best at all levels within our system.
Learning Environment/Facilities
The decaying environmental conditions of our schools are not acceptable and affect learning as well as the morale and health of all individuals that occupy them daily. We will develop a plan to build new schools and renovate schools that will reflect schools of the 21st century and beyond. Ensure our schools are clean daily to prevent the transmission of sicknesses.
Instructional Leadership
Instructional leadership is second to teachers in student achievement. We must hire leaders who were effective as teachers themselves and has the ability to hire and support the teachers, support personnel, administrators we have in improving so, they may help our students better learn. I believe it is past time of promoting individuals who are connected to politicians and not instructionally minded from the district office down to our schools. Leaders who also have the capacity to recognize and help future leaders in our schools grow.
I will protect what is essential at every school for success to permeate throughout our county. Vital positions that are necessary for the effective functioning of a school district will be kept at the district level. Positions to help schools function properly will be maintained or added to help all schools district-wide.
All stakeholders are important therefore, collaborating and communicating with them to help them understand the progress and challenges facing our schools is a priority. I will be transparent with the community and parents, teachers, administrators, media and community members will be welcomed and their voices heard. I am a servant that understands the Office of the Superintendent serves the people and should have an open door and be visible to the Gadsden community he serves.
Work with the Stakeholders of Gadsden County to build internet infrastructure to connect our students at home and at school. Provide students with Electronic Devices (laptop, chromebooks, etc.). The state of Florida asked us to provide students one to one device 6 years ago.